1.1. Using any function or Services of the Portal and Mobile Apps, any individual (hereinafter referred to as the “User”), irrespective of its legal status and civil capacity, is subject to the rules and restrictions specified in this User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”).
1.2. The User gives its consent to obey all provisions of this Agreement during registration in the Portal or Mobile Apps. In case of disagreement with any provision of this Agreement the User is not allowed to use the Service of the Administrator.
1.3. The Administrator may amend, supplement or in any other way modify the Agreement without prior notification of a User.
1.4. The Agreement with all amendments and supplements is posted on the Portal and Mobile Apps. Hereby the User consents to amendments and alterations of the Agreement without receiving any special confirmation of User.
1.5. Following terms in the present Agreement shall have the following meaning unless the context requires otherwise:
Portal - web Portal https://gower2.com/.
Mobile App - an application for mobile devices "wer2 GO" for iOS, Android and Windows;
User - any legally capable individual who is at least 18 (eighteen) years old at the moment of registration or duly registered legal entity who accepted the provisions of this Agreement and uses Services of the Portal and Mobile Apps.
Administrator, wer2 or wer2 GO, a company established under the laws of the United State and duly registered.
Service - any operation, other than supply of goods, which is related to the provision of Service, used in the performance of a particular action or certain activities to meet individual needs of the User;
Personal data - information or set of data about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified with their use.
1.6. Additional terms of use of certain resources and Services can be specified on the Portal and Mobile Apps.
2.1. To use certain Services of the Portal and Mobile Apps the User is obliged to perform registration, resulting in creation of a unique account for the User to get access to the Services of the Portal and Mobile Apps.
2.2. The User shall provide accurate information about oneself while filling in an application form during registration.
2.3. If the User provides false information during registration or later, within the use of Services of the Portal and Mobile Apps, the Administrator has a right to suspend or terminate the account (registration) of the User without notice or obtaining any consent.
2.4. If the User's actions may lead to a breach of any rules and regulations of the applicable law, human rights and the possibility of claims towards the Administrator or ensuring responsibility of the Administrator for the actions of the User, the Administrator has a right to block User's actions immediately and suspend or delete the account of the User without notification or obtaining any consent from the User.
2.5. Except cases expressly provided in this Agreement, the Administrator undertakes to ensure all necessary measures stipulated by the applicable United State law and the requirements of reasonableness and good faith in order to protect Personal Data transmitted to the Administrator during registration of the User on the Portal and Mobile Apps.
2.6. By undertaking to comply with the requirements of this Agreement, the User gives its full, unconditional and irrevocable consent for use of Personal Data, provided at registration on the Portal and Mobile Apps, in order to include such Personal Data to the database of Portal and Mobile Apps Users.
2.7. The Administrator has a right to delete the User's account if it is not used during 12 calendar months.
2.8. At registration on the Portal and Mobile Apps the User shall enter a unique password. The User is fully responsible for the reliability of the password and protection of own account.
2.9. If the third party obtains access to the User's account, the User must immediately notify the Administrator in order to ensure the appropriate measures if the User is able to confirm the possession of such a specific account by the User.
2.10. The User ensures safety of information about passwords and other confidential information by himself. The Administrator is not responsible for the consequences of the disclosure of User's confidential information about Personal Data (Username and password). This provision regulates both the voluntary transfer of User's Personal Data to third parties and the loss of confidential information about User's Personal Data beyond its will.
3.1. The User can use specific Services of the Portal and Mobile Apps without registration.
3.2. Regardless of the fact of registration the User undertakes to comply with the terms of this Agreement while using the Services of the Portal and Mobile Apps.
3.3. The Administrator has a right to restrict the use of certain Services of the Portal and Mobile Apps by the User without prior consent of the User to the terms of this Agreement.
3.4. If the User's actions may lead to a breach of any rules and regulations of the applicable law, human rights and the possibility of claims towards the Administrator or ensuring responsibility of the Administrator for the actions of the User, the Administrator has a right to block the User's actions immediately without notification or obtaining any consent from the User.
3.5. Except cases expressly provided in this Agreement, the Administrator undertakes to ensure all measures stipulated by the applicable legislation in order to protect Personal Data transmitted to the Administrator during use of the Services of the Portal and Mobile Apps by the User without registration.
4.1. All issues regarding collecting, using, processing and protection of Users Personal data are regulated by separate Privacy Statements placed on the Portal and Mobile App.
5.1. The Portal and Mobile Apps are intended solely to provide information Services to the Users, including access to public domain information, information that is lawfully provided by third parties, intellectual property items, which are legally used by placing on the Portal and Mobile Apps.
5.2. The Portal and Mobile Apps do not contain and are not purposed for posting of confidential information, restricted information, information of third parties, for posting of which the Portal and Mobile Apps have not obtained due permits and authorities.
5.3. In case the Users detect information and/or intellectual property items with restricted use or with the rights, which belong to third parties, the User must contact the Administrator and report on such violation, indicating the Internet address of information and/or intellectual property items, which violate the rights of third parties according to the User, and to report about the nature of such violation.
5.4. The Administrator, wer2 GO or the other representative, authorized by the Administrator on a contractual basis involve third parties providing and/or offering Services to the Users through the Portal and Mobile Apps. The Administrator, wer2 GO, the other representative, authorized by the Administrator, provide such third parties informational, promotional and/or other Services exclusively, related to the posting of information about such third parties, without giving any guarantees to the Users as for the quality of Services provided to the Users by third parties.
5.5. The Administrator, wer2 GO, other representative, authorized by the Administrator areas not responsible and undertake no obligation concerning Services provided to the Users on the Portal and Mobile Apps by third parties.
5.6. Provision of Services to the Users by third parties is carried out on the basis of certain agreements of specific Users and third parties, where the Administrator, wer2 GO and the other representative, authorized by the Administrator are not the party, even if the User received information about these Services using the Portal and Mobile Apps, or if the Administrator, wer2 GO and the other representative, authorized by the Administrator in any other way contributed to the conclusion of such agreements.
5.7. The Administrator, wer2 GO and the other representatives, authorized by the Administrator areas not responsible for the timing, quality of information about these Services, as well as the Administrator, wer2 GO and the other representatives, authorized by the Administrator are not liable towards Users for any negative effects, damage (losses) caused to the User due to failure or improper provision of Services by third parties.
5.8. Insurance. The User gives its full, unconditional and irrevocable consent for insurance of its life during transportation, carried out by the third parties. The insurance is conducted at wer2 GO own expense, the